Barbie Rapunzel Game Download For Mac

  1. Barbie Rapunzel Game Download For Mac Free
  2. Barbie Rapunzel Game Download For Mac Windows 7
  3. Barbie Rapunzel Game Download For Mac Download

Barbie as the Princess and the Pauper is a straight to DVD movie that was released back in 2004. There were many Barbie movies during this time and most of them had a video game tie in. The one we are looking at today is for the Game Boy Advance and if you are a Barbie fan or know someone who is, it could be worth checking out.

Where Is Barbie?

Let your hair down and play games featuring Rapunzel and more from Tangled. Tangled: Double Trouble Tangled: Sticker Puzzle Disney Princess: Rapunzel. I played this game when I was young, and now I want to show it to my niece. I have a mac and lost at least one of the games. Does anyone know how I could get Detective Barbie: It is hard to get full version free game, and those free game download website might contain virus, which is a nightmare. Download Barbie Secret Agent for Gameboy Advance(GBA) and play Barbie Secret Agent video game on your PC, Mac, Android or iOS device! Maple software, free download Mac there. I played this game a lot when I was younger, but when I was 16 my mom threw it out, (mistakenly) believing I had lost interest in it.

Look, I have not seen the movie so I do not know how closely this follows the movie. However, you do not technically play as “Barbie”. Instead, you play as The Princess and the Pauper along with their two cats. 2.4.3 download for android. Basically, there is a big bad who wants to bring chaos to the kingdom and only the Princess, the Pauper, and their two cats can save the day.

Who To Play As?

Barbie Rapunzel Game Download For Mac Free

One of the interesting things about Barbie as the Princess and the Pauper is that it has four playable characters. The two human characters each have a special ability. The Princess can use a shield. The Pauper can use magical notes to reach hard to get items and so on. The two cats also have abilities! Serafina has the ability to climb up the trees and Wolfie is able to dig for stuff. I am actually impressed at how much variety there is to each character.

What Kind Of Game Is It?

If you expected Barbie as the Princess and the Pauper to be a 2D platform game then well done, you win a prize! The game sees you pick two of the characters to play as and you will need to make use of their abilities to get through the level. As a platformer, it is a pretty standard affair. There are four different areas in the game and each of the areas has its own levels that you need to complete. There are these harder, boss like levels to that you have to do before moving onto the next level. There are two difficulty levels here, but neither one is all that hard. Clearly, this is a game that is aimed at the younger demographic and there is nothing wrong with that.

Barbie Sure Is Pretty

There are many of these Barbie games and they all have a similar look. To be fair, while it will not win any prizes for the way it looks. I do think that this is a decent enough looking game and the animations are not to bad either.

Barbie as the Princess and the Pauper is a decent little (all be it rather short) platform game. It is ideal for kids who love Barbie and who are just getting into games as it is played at a slower pace and is easy enough to get through all the levels. It also is pretty easy on the eyes too so it has that going for it also.



Barbie Rapunzel Game Download For Mac Windows 7

  • The platforming is pretty solid
  • Four playable characters
  • You can play as cats!
  • It is very easy to pick up and play
  • The graphics are actually pretty decent


  • You can get through it in a couple of hours
  • Does not pose much of a challenge

Barbie Rapunzel Game Download For Mac Download

Overall rating: 7